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Message: #09838

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Re: [EP-tech] Change oai2 base_url

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hi David,

I tried your suggestion, and it works.

Thank you.

Agung PW

On Tue, 10 Sept 2024 at 14:22, David R Newman <drn@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
Hi Agung,

If you just want to update this you just need to change the following line in oai.pl to the the line below.  I would recommend creating a z_oai.pl in your archive rather than editing the version under EPRINTS_PATH/flavours/pub_lib/cfg.d/.

$oai->{v2}->{base_url} = $c->{perl_url}."/oai2";

$oai->{v2}->{base_url} = "https://".$c->{securehost}."/cgi/oai2";

However, this is a bit of a hack.  What is better to do, is make sure that perl_url with always return https.  I think your issue is likely to be one of two issues.

1. Your archive (or possibly lib/cfg.d/ directory) has an old version of cfg/cfg.d/20_baseurls.pl.  It should have a version (note this is just a snippet not the whole file) like below to ensure when securehost is set it https URLs are configured by default.

    my $uri = URI->new( "http://" );
        if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $c->{securehost} ) )
                $uri->scheme( "https" );
                $uri->host( $c->{securehost} );
                $uri->port( $c->{secureport} );
                $uri = $uri->canonical;
                $uri->path( $c->{https_root} );
                $uri->scheme( "http" );
                $uri->host( $c->{host} );
                $uri->port( $c->{port} );
                $uri = $uri->canonical;
                $uri->path( $c->{http_root} );

# EPrints base URL without trailing slash
    $c->{base_url} = "$uri";
# CGI base URL without trailing slash
    $c->{perl_url} = "$uri/cgi";
# Uncomment to keep URI for eprint items as http or different to base_url.
# May need editing, if repository on unusual port number, not on the root path or host is unset because HTTPS everywhere is configured.
    #$c->{uri_url} = "http://" . $c->{host};

2.  If your 20_baseurls.pl comes alphabetically before the configuration file that sets $c->{securehost}.  I have seen some older EPrints repositories where this has been set in the archive's cfg/cfg.d/https.pl, which will load after 20_baseurls.pl and therefore cause the latter to use http URLs by default.  In these cases I have either moved https.pl to 15_https.pl or just copied its config into 10_core.pl.

Once you have made these changes, you should only need to reload Apache to apply them.


David Newman

On 10/09/2024 5:15 am, Agung Prasetyo W. wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
How I can change oai2 base_url from http to https. I already changed my eprints url to https, but in https://repository.dinamika.ac.id/cgi/oai2?verb=Identify it still http.


Please need help.

Thank you.

Agung PW

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