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Message: #09817

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[EP-tech] Filtering Compound fields

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Hello everyone,


I have a configured a custom compound field based on the Creators field. I’ve added a few subfields and coded my own renderers (render_input, render_value and render_single_value). Everything works great except one thing that bugs our installation of EPrints.


When the compound field is added to the columns of the review screen, and when a user tries to filter items based on this field, an error occurs that locks out this user account:


EPrints System Error
Unsupported attempt to search compound field ….


The problem is that the search query is recorded in the database and cannot be reset, everytime the user navigates to the review screen, it shows the error. I had to delete that user preferences in the database to unlock it.


I’ve been looking around and I don’t find any information about searching compound fields. Comparing my field’s configuration with a vanilla Creators field, I don’t find anything either. The only big difference is the custom renderer, but it shouldn’t interfere with searching. For now I’ve hidden the top level compound field from the field list, and have enabled only the name subfield to show up (and it works).


How could I make it work? Do I need a custom search script? There isn’t an option for that in the configuration.


Thank you


Robin Sylvestre
Technicien des systèmes informatisés
Bibliothèque Louise-Lalonde-Lamarre
Polytechnique Montréal
514-340-4711 poste 5973