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Message: #09763

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[EP-tech] Count mismatch on new views/fields created as subject

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Dear all,
We have created a subject category with the following new fields and created views. 
May I know why the count is mismatching?

File name: /opt/eprints3/flavours/pub_lib/cfg.d/eprint_fields.pl
        name => 'subjects',
        type => 'subject',
        multiple => 1,
        top => 'subjects',
        browse_link => 'subjects',
        name => 'index_db',
        type => 'subject',
        multiple => 1,
        top => 'index_db',
        browse_link => 'index_db',
        name => 'study',
        type => 'subject',
        multiple => 1,
        top => 'study',
        browse_link => 'study',

