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Message: #09759

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Re: [EP-tech] Email notification to author when item is accepted

Hi Revathi,

When you say this is not working are you saying that the "Approve item (with notification) button" is not appearing so you cannot even attempt to send an email or are you clicking this button but the user is not receiving the email?  If it is the latter, have you tried using the "Send Test Email" page from the Admin menu to send an email to the same email address as that set for the user who is the owner of the eprint that has just been approved.  If this test email does not arrive either, then it is a problem either sending or the user's email account receiving email from your EPrints repository.  This will likely be an issue with the mail server receiving these emails not trusting who has sent them as genuinely who they say they are.  You may need to look into DMARC configuration [1] for the sending mail server on your EPrints repository server.

It is also worth checking the history tab for the eprint item that should have sent out an approved email notification as this should have been logged in the history.  If this has happened but no email has been received, this make the likelihood of a general email sending/receiving issue even more likely, as EPrints looks to have done everything it needs to do successfully.  How have you configured email to be sent out from EPrints?  Is it still configured to use localhost and you have install Sendmail or Postfix as a smarthost to relay email or have you configure perl_lib/EPrints/SystemSettings.pm to directly connect a specific mail server using the smtp_server setting?


David Newman

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMARC

On 19/07/2024 6:22 am, Mosys Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
We would to receive Email notification to author when item is accepted. We followed the procedure which is mentioned here http://files.eprints.org/370/

But it is not working. Can anyone suggest please


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