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Message: #09592

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[EP-tech] Workflow Component:Multi layout and help issue

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Back again!  (in 3.4.5)

The Multi-field component in the workflow appears to be missing a phrase for “lib/session:show_help”, whilst the single field component appears to now be using the three phrases “lib/session:show_help_alt”, “lib/session:show_help_title” and “lib/session:show_help_src”.  Similarly, the “lib/session:hide_help” phrase.


The multi-field component also seems to be contructing the inputform layout in a way that isn’t particularly helpful for styling – with the field titles as plain text, then the toggleable help text within two divs, followed by the form field within 3 divs, then a div for the show/hide help control (actually the missing phrases mentioned above) within a structure of dl, dd, dt tags.


I’m seeing this on both our customised dev system and on a base 3.4.5 install, in the pre-compliance section of the REF CC plugin or otherwise any multi-field workflow.


Essentially, is what I’m seeing consistent with exoected rendering, or are these things that want adding to the github as bugs?



