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Message: #09480

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[EP-tech] eprints v3.3.16 to v3.4.5 upgrade

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Good day!

I need help in migrating my old database to new version of eprints, i encounter so many problems in migrating my old database. at first it works fine but when i tried to run regenerate abstract and views. the link of the files becomes invalid.

Can someone help with my migration. 

Before im using this tutorial (https://wiki.eprints.org/w/Moving_a_repository) but now its not compatible with new version of eprints.

I tried to follow this tutorial (https://wiki.eprints.org/w/Upgrading_3.3.12%2B_to_3.4) but its quite hard for me to understand. if there is a video tutorial on how to do this, it will be a big help for me,

Thank you!