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Message: #09453

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Re: [EP-tech] Issue with Newly Added Roles Not Appearing in User Search

Hi Noorhafizah Mohd Akil,

You will also need to update the usertype field's namedset to include these new user types.  The namedset file will originally have been under EPRINTS_PATH//lib/namedsets/user but if you have already had to add new user types you may have it in your archive's cfg/namedsets/ directory already.  If not make sure the cfg/namedsets/ directory exists and copy across the user namedset file from lib/namedsets/. and then edit the file.  This is just a simple new line separated list of options.  The options will appear in the order in this file, so either put the new options at the end or the most appropriate position for you.  You will also need to add phrases for these new user types used in this namedset file.  The phrase IDs will be of the form:


E.g. the current admin user type has the phrase ID: user_typename_admin

Once you have done this, to ensure that the updated namedset is reload, reload your webserver.  E.g.

apachectl graceful


David Newman

On 20/10/2023 10:11, Noorhafizah Mohd Akil wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hello all,

I have added new roles in user_roles.pl, but the newly added roles do not appear in cgi/users/home?screen=Staff%3A%3AUserSearch below.


Then I've tried to search cgi/users/home?screen=Staff%3A%3AUserSearch with the help of ChatGPT, but I could not find it. 
As ChatGPT advised, the files should be in either archives/[repository]/cfg/lang/[language]/templates/static/xmlui/[user_search_template].xml
or archives/[repository]/cfg/lang/[language]/templates/static/html/[user_search_template].tmpl, but I could not locate them in those locations.

Please help.
Thank you.

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