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[EP-tech] OR2023 Programme Announcement

Tomasz Neugebauer has asked me to forward this email, as he is currently experiencing problems sending to the EP-tech mailing list.

Programme now available

We are pleased to announce that the Programme for the 18th International Open Repositories Conference (OR2023) is now available on the Conference website.


The theme for the conference is Repositories unlocked for discovery and interoperability and will focus on the practices of the international repositories community to develop and implement the standards, frameworks, architectures, and methodologies for open repositories to serve as knowledge representation databases for the structured web of data. 


The registration is already open, with early-bird registration available until 30 April at https://or2023.openrepositories.org/registration .


The conference will be held from 12-15 June 2023 at the Lord Charles Hotel, Somerset West, close to Stellenbosch, South Africa. Please note that accommodation at the conference venue is limited. Please make your reservation as early as possible if you wish to stay at the Lord Charles Hotel by sending an email to reservations@lordcharleshotel.com, booking code “USB – OR2023”. See more about other accommodation options here.


We are looking forward to welcoming you at the Open Repositories 2023!


For the Host Organising Committee:

Ellen Tise, Mimi Seyffert-Wirth and Marié Roux


For the Programme Committee:

Ilkay Holt, Mimi Seyffert-Wirth and Wouter Klapwijk

Contact: or23-program-chairs@googlegroups.com


For the Open Repositories Steering Committee:

Claire Knowles and Torsten Reimer


Website and Social Media

Website: https://or2023.openrepositories.org/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OpenRepos

Hashtag: #openrepos2023

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ORConference