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Message: #07009

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Re: [EP-tech] Latest Additions in my repository is not show

My problem is Why my latest addition to my repository is not shown?
All of my document is Live Archive but not shown in latest addition, even though my document still 1 week

I'm sorry, my name is Dio Eka Prayitno :)
"Iman, Ilmu, Amal" is my quotes in Indonesian languages

Best regards,
Dio Eka Prayitno

Iman, Ilmu, Amal

Best Regards,
Dio Eka Prayitno

On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 9:20 AM, David R Newman <drn@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

Hi Iman, Ilmu and Amal,

An EPrint record has several states in which it can be.  When you first create an EPrint record it with be in the "user workarea", once it is complete, you can choose to "Deposit Item".  At this point an admin or editor (elevated privileges user) needs to review the EPrint which is now in the "review buffer" state before can be made publicly visible.  This "Review" page on your repository can be found at:


If you click on the icon with a green tick on top of a page, this will change the item's state to "live archive" and be publicly visible and it should appear at http://eprints.perbanas.ac.id/cgi/latest


David Newman

On 04/12/2017 01:47, Dio Eka wrote:
Hi all,

Somebody help me,
I have a problem with my repository, when I click "http://eprints.perbanas.ac.id/cgi/latest", nothing information in there, but I have uploaded some files to my repository. In the "Manage Deposits" menu, my file has entered. the last uploaded is Dec, 4th 2017 My indexer status is running, database status is OK.
What happened to my repository? please help me.
Thank you

Iman, Ilmu, Amal

Best Regards,
Dio Eka Prayitno

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