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Message: #06989
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Re: [EP-tech] validation on upload field
- To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
- Subject: Re: [EP-tech] validation on upload field
- From: th.lauke@arcor.de
- Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2017 13:49:18 +0100 (CET)
Hi Alfredo, we solved an similar feature request by a either repository specific (i.e. Eprints/archives/repoID/cfg/cfg.d/) or server specific (i.e. Eprints/site_lib/cfg.d/) document_validate.pl: $c->{validate_document} = sub { my( $document, $repository, $for_archive ) = @_; my @problems = (); my $xml = $repository->xml(); # default checks # : # site-specific checks # check for proper filename, i.e. accepted by tivoli backup ingesting only ASCI-filenames without blanks # print STDERR "main: ", $document->value( "main" )," escaped: ",URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8($document->value( "main" ), "^A-Za-z0-9\-\._~\/"); my $doc_name_uri = URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8($document->value( "main" ), "^A-Za-z0-9\-\._~\/"); if( $document->value( "main" ) ne $doc_name_uri ) { my $fieldname = $repository->make_element( "span", class=>"ep_problem_field:documents" ); $fieldname->appendChild( $document->dataset->render_name( $repository ) ); my $prob = $repository->make_doc_fragment; $prob->appendChild( $repository->html_phrase( "validate:bad_filename", fieldname=>$fieldname ) ); $prob->appendChild( $repository->make_text( $doc_name_uri ) ); $prob->appendChild( $repository->html_phrase( "validate:original_filename") ); $prob->appendChild( $repository->make_text( $document->value( "main" ) ) ); push @problems, $prob; } return( @problems ); }; After setting the introduced phrases by <epp:phrase id="validate:bad_filename">Please replace non-ASCII characters (e.g. 'äöü') or blanks in the name of uploaded <epc:pin name="fieldname" /> appropriately to simplify future handling!<br/>Following filename prepared for repository<br/></epp:phrase> <epp:phrase id="validate:original_filename"><br/>is different to original one :(<br/></epp:phrase> in an appropriate .../lang/en/phrases/... file it should work :-) Hth Thomas
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