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Re: [EP-tech] Closing the loop with the main university website

Are you implementing a CRIS over Eprints? What about this:


And what about research data (namely: https://wiki.eprints.org/w/ReCollect )?

Il 22/11/2017 12:40, Christopher Gutteridge ha scritto:
Hi, as I said in my last post, I've been working on updating

A small but significant change is that we now import a list of the
homepages of current university staff and use that to hyperlink the
names of contributors back to the profiles and contact info for those

A second is that for some departments and groups, we've added a button
to link back to the "research" page for the part of the organisation.

See https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/413656/ for an example of both.

I think this is more important than it first seems, as it makes the page
stop being a dead-end and start to lead people into parts of the site
where views provide value to the authors and research managers. This has
in turn seemed to have increased the perceived value of the repository
to them.

We also rejigged the order of the fields to put the catalogue
information (date deposited & modified) far down, as most people won't
care. Above it is all the various identifiers like DOI, URI, PURE etc.
And nearest to the top are the more human-friendly information that
should satisfy most readers of the page. People wanting the other info
are rarer and more motivated to scroll.

I've also had a stab at making the entire public-facing site more or
less "responsive". Our university HTML/CSS templates already provide
most of the tools so it's mostly been applying them to the summary
(abstract) pages.

Where I had more problems was the search forms, as EPrints builds these
in a array to output as a table. I just left this bit unresponsive as
the effort didn't seem worth it.

I wouldn't even try to get the deposit and admin pages to be responsive.
My assumption is that these are usually used from a laptop or PC.