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Message: #06899

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Re: [EP-tech] Problem with searching for names starting with Ö

If you do want to hack that list, you should be able to modify it by tweaking values via a config file. It's just a global variable.

$EPrints::Index::FREETEXT_CHAR_MAPPING->{chr(0x00d6)} = "O";

Would override the behaviour. It would do it for all repositories loaded, if your EPrints happened to run multiple archives off of one server.

nb. it should also be set for  chr(0x00f6) => 'oe', which is the lowercase version!

On 24/10/2017 14:56, Gerhard Gonter wrote:
On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 3:27 PM, Liam Green-Hughes
<L.E.Green-Hughes@kent.ac.uk> wrote:
For example (btw names have been changed!) if an author exists on the system
with the surname "Öl", results will not be returned if I search by "Ol" but
they will be if I enter "Öl" or, more suprisingly, "Oel" (thanks to the
substitution made).
That's not surprising at all, since Oe is the digraph form of Ö.
I (and most german speaking people) would find it surprising/confusing
if I had to enter "Ol" instead of "Oel" to find "Öl".

* [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%96

P.S.: I do not use a german keyboard and have to constantly replace our
umlaut characters with Ae, Oe and Ue and the sharp-S &szlig; with ss.
Nobody complains, but I would get really angry replies if I just wrote
A, O, and U ;)

regards, Gerhard Gonter

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