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Message: #06758
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[EP-tech] EPrints and Ubuntu 16.04
- To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
- Subject: [EP-tech] EPrints and Ubuntu 16.04
- From: David R Newman <drn@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
- Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 16:03:53 +0100
Hi all, There was some user group feedback from the Repository Fringe regarding the "Enterprise Compliance" of EPrints, specifically for Ubuntu 16.04. I am keen on ensuring that the next release of EPrints 3.3 has a Debian package that can be directly installed from the APT repository at deb.eprints.org, without need for some interesting hacks, which have been previously discussed. At present I am aware of two issue with the current EPrints 3.3.15 Debian package: 1. apache2-mpm-prefork no longer exists as a Debian package and causes a failed dependency. This can be worked around by creating a fake Debian package for this. 2. If Apache is installed to use the MPM event module, this is known to have issues which can cause Apache to experience a segmentation fault. After some investigation, I believe this is down to LibXSLT.so, which is installed by the Debian package libxml-libxslt-perl, which is a dependency of EPrints. However, I have also found that I can manually install and run EPrints quite happily without this package, including successfully running the unit tests. Based on this experience, I have created an modified version of the EPrints 3.3.15 Debian package, which removed the apache2-mpm-prefork dependency and replaces it with just an apache2 dependency and removes the the libxml-libxslt-perl dependency altogether. I have successfully installed and run the unit tests for this on my own Ubuntu 16.04 server with only two minor issues: 1. A deprecation warning for the use of '\C' in a regular expression the escape_char function of URI/Escape.pm 2. Unit tests for SWORD fail. However, both these issues have been fixed on GitHub (https://github.co m/eprints/eprints/) since EPrints 3.3.15 was released. It would be useful if others could test my modified Debian package to see if they can find any other issues with it. It is available at: http://files.eprints.org/1712/ In particular: 1. Are there other situations where Apache will suffer a Segmentation fault other than that caused by LibXSLT.so, which this Debian package will no longer install. 2. Is the libxml-libxslt-perl package required for any core EPrints functionality that has not been identified by running unit tests. (If necessary, this library can be installed through CPAN rather than as a Debian package and this way does not appear to cause a segmentation fault). I also intend to further test whether this modified EPrints 3.3.15 Debian package can successfully installed on Ubuntu 14.04, as it would be preferable to have a single package for all currently supported versions of Ubuntu. Based on the changes: only removing a dependency and effectively relaxing another dependency, I believe that any use of this package as an upgrade on an existing EPrints install should behave the same as using the original EPrints 3.3.15 Debian package. Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated. Regards David Newman EPrints Services
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