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Message: #06693

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[EP-tech] Creating a test repository from production repository

Hello all,


Iâ??ll be in charge of our Eprints institution repository, so Iâ??m new administering eprints. Reading info right now to familiarize with it.


FIrst of all, I would like to install a new develop repository to test any change to implement before applying to production repository and migrate data/configuration from production to develop/test system.


The idea is:

-          Production repository: eprints.ourinstitution.com, Database: eprints (MySQL production BBDD environment), ArchiveID: eprints

-          Develop/test repository: eprintsD.ourinstitution.local, Database eprintsD (MySQL test BBDD environment) , ArchiveID: eprintsD

-          Red Hat Linux 5 environment


The procedure to execute:

1.       Do the points at https://wiki.eprints.org/w/Moving_a_repository

2.       Modifiy database.pl in Develop/test repository to address the database test environment

3.       Rename in Develop/test repository archiveID â??eprintsâ?? to â??eprintsDâ??

4.       Update any pages/templates addressing eprints.ourinstitution.com to eprintsD.ourinstitution.local

5.  $./bin/epadmin test

6.  $./bin/generate_apacheconf
7.  $ rm -rf /opt/eprints3/archives/myrepo/html/*


Do you thing this procedure will run ok? Anything else to consider?

Any advice or warning will be apreciated.


Best Regards,

