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Message: #06617

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Re: [EP-tech] DataCite Doi Plugin

Hello Alfredo,

yes, this is what we have had to do, too: The data must be encoded to unicode explicitly (encode_utf8($content) in datacite_request subroutine). What is not necessarily a bad thing in my eyes, better than having it done under the hood somewhere, risking that data is encoded twice.

Kind regards

Am 23.06.2017 um 02:57 schrieb Alfredo Cosco:
Great, now I'm trying on two docs:




In the first case the DOI is coined and minted.

The second one fails:
[xml] xml error: Invalid byte 2 of 3-byte UTF-8 sequence.

That's probably beacause the filed title contains an accented letter:

<title>Regis servitium nostra mercatura: culture e linguaggi della fiscalit� nella Napoli aragonese</title>

I suppose that we need to force the field contents to utf-8 before sending it to datacite, don't you?


[Rest of TOFU dropped.]

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