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[EP-tech] Open Repositories 2017 - Early Bird Registration Extended



The Twelfth International Conference on Open Repositories

26 - 30 June 2017

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Early Bird Registration - Extended! 

The deadline for Early Bird Registration has been extended until 28th April 2017.

With a full program, OR 2017 offers a unique opportunity to learn from and share research with users and developers of open digital repository platforms from higher education, government, galleries, libraries, archives and museums.

Register NOW for $720 AUD standard or $620 AUD student. 

For more information on the conference, including 3-day Program, Pre-Conference Workshops and Sponsorship opportunities, click here

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We look forward to seeing you at OR 2017!


Host Organising Committee

Sue Hutley, Queensland University of Technology
Linda O’Brien, Griffith University
Maureen Sullivan, Griffith University
Louise Howard, Griffith University
Bob Gerrity, The University of Queensland
Heather Todd, The University of Queensland
Lori Bowe, Griffith University
Susanne Osborne, Griffith University
Contact: or2017@qut.edu.au