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Message: #06359

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[EP-tech] [Eprints 3.3.4] Plugin doesn't work on OAI-PMH push: OpenAire upgrade attempt to 3.0 compliance

Hi All,
my organization asked me to implement OpenAire plugin:

then they asked me: 
1) to upgrade the compliance to the level 2.0 or 3.0 of OpenAire Guidelines

2) to have a more user friendly interface

So I forked the github repo and did it:

But there is a problem, everything works fine except the OAI push.

I made a test archive with one record, as you can see there are the metadata for EU Projects:

But if you look at OAI-PMH file EU Projects metadata are not displayed:

It seems that:

doesn't work ... but I don't know why and how to debug it.

any help is appreciated, thanks,