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Re: [EP-tech] Antwort: Re: Import DOI Issue

Am 20.02.2017 um 14:08 schrieb martin.braendle@id.uzh.ch:
You may test as here:

curl "http://doi.crossref.org/openurl?pid=


curl "http://doi.crossref.org/openurl?pid=

Works. Is something else wrong in your DOI import plugin?
No change on our EPrints for months and was working well before.

Now it works -- see my other post.

Thanks to all for their suggestions and help !!



Dipl. Inf. Heiko Schellhorn

University of Bremen               Room:  NW1-U 2065
Inst. of Environmental Physics     Phone: +49(0)421 218 62091
P.O. Box 33 04 40                  Fax:   +49(0)421 218 62070
D-28334 Bremen                     Mail:  mailto:schell@physik.uni-bremen.de
Germany                            www:

The greatest burden in the world is the weight of your child's coffin
on your shoulder. Nothing in the universe can be heavier than that.

Die Bürger werden eines Tages nicht nur die Worte und Taten der
Politiker zu bereuen haben, sondern auch das furchtbare Schweigen
der Mehrheit.
( Bertolt Brecht )