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Message: #06294

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Re: [EP-tech] Import DOI Issue -- However now it works


We had something like this a while back. Thankfully eprints services sorted it so I don't know the details but they did say it was to do with an unexpected result from crossref. This fits with the "unhandled warning" message you have. A route might be to look at what you are getting back and see if there is code in place to handle it. The other thing they said was that they were unable to replicate it and thought it might have been related to the doi being very new in the case we provided.

Not sure if any of that helps but maybe it is a clue
Just 5 minutes ago a colleague reported me he was now successful importing documents using DOI.

And as I checked with one of the above mentioned DOIs it worked with our EPrints.

So my guess the issue seems to be on side of crossref. As the whole last week (monday to friday and this morning) it wasn't working and there was no change on our side despite the URL on last Tuesday which didn't solve the issue.

Whatever caused the issue !?
If the issue iterates and comes up again I'll report.

Best regards


Dipl. Inf. Heiko Schellhorn

University of Bremen               Room:  NW1-U 2065
Inst. of Environmental Physics     Phone: +49(0)421 218 62091
P.O. Box 33 04 40                  Fax:   +49(0)421 218 62070
D-28334 Bremen                     Mail:  mailto:schell@physik.uni-bremen.de
Germany                            www:

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on your shoulder. Nothing in the universe can be heavier than that.

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der Mehrheit.
( Bertolt Brecht )