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Message: #06285

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Re: [EP-tech] Another import thing!

Thanks Adam – I’m actually in the process right now of running through this on a completely fresh virtual box install (the last import that was throwing this error was on a box that had already been partially imported into) and, so far, it hasn’t thrown the error. It could be to do with there already being records in the system? RE my issues with only some of the records importing I’ve raised that with EPrints Services so I’ll see where things go with that.


From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Adam Field
Sent: 16 February 2017 10:51
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [EP-tech] Another import thing!


Add the following code and run it again – let us know what the output is:


                unless( ref($value) =~ m/^HASH/ ) {


                                use Data::Dumper;

                                print STDERR Dumper $value;


                                EPrints::abort( "EPrints::MetaField::Name::ordervalue_basic called on something other than a hash." );



Also, run the export with –verbose, it may well tell you which record it’s exporting when it aborts. 




Adam Field
SHERPA services analyst developer



From: <eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk> on behalf of Andrew Beeken <anbeeken@lincoln.ac.uk>
Reply-To: "
eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk" <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Date: Monday, 13 February 2017 14:48
To: "
eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk" <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Subject: [EP-tech] Another import thing!


Hello all!


Despite what it may look like I AM making SOME progress with my import work at this end. I’ve managed to consolidate our users from the two table structure that we have in place so that we can get them all in and start generating the relevant pages. I have, however, found a new issue on importing records which MIGHT have fixed the issue I was reporting before – I can’t confirm this, however, as this new error is bailing the import function entirely.


So, I re-ran the whole export from our live repository to be met with an error which indicated I needed to bring across a function in MetaField/Name.pm which pertained to a change that was put in by EPrints Services back in 2011 (as documented in the comments for our AuthorID.pm which I’d previously brought in) Reintroducing this seemed to let the import run without a hitch until it hit a specific record and generated the error:


EPrints::MetaField::Name::ordervalue_basic called on something other than a hash.


Looking at the Name.pm file, the function that generates this is as follows:


sub ordervalue_basic


                my( $self , $value ) = @_;


                unless( ref($value) =~ m/^HASH/ ) {

                                EPrints::abort( "EPrints::MetaField::Name::ordervalue_basic called on something other than a hash." );



                my @a;

                foreach( "family", "lineage", "given", "honourific" )


                                if( defined $value->{$_} )


                                                push @a, $value->{$_};




                                                push @a, "";



                return join( "\t" , @a );



However I’m not entirely sure what it’s supposed to be doing (other than perhaps ordering authors by their name?) or why it threw the error – it was around 1350 records into the import when the error through so clearly earlier records were a-ok. Any thoughts as to how I can crack this open and figure out what it’s failing on?




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