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Message: #06173

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Re: [EP-tech] Antwort: technical question: one archive with two domains

On 19/01/17 07:39, Ian Stuart wrote:

On 18/01/17 16:02, Thorsten Bülo wrote:
I tried to configure /cfg.d/10_core.pl <http://10_core.pl> manually and
added a ServerAlias at the apache config files.

Did you run all the generate_xxxx scripts having changed 10_core?

(Remember that EPrints works by pre-creating snippits of web pages,
which it then inserts into the templates - it's why you need to
re-generate all the "browse" pages periodically: because the ingest
process doesn't always get it right....)#

.... and you restarted the server, having changed the config, yes?

Ian Stuart.
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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