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Message: #06139

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[EP-tech] Diacritics truncate input form fields

Dear all,

we are on eprints 3.3.10.
We noticed that sometimes input form fields with diacritics are truncated after form saving.
The effect is :
a) I'm modifying a field of a record.
b) when i click on save, the record is updated but ALL record fields with diacritics are truncated exactly before the first diacritic, also if they are not modified. Obviously this weird problems happens only sometimes: It happened to me yesterday on a record, i recovered it from backup (batch import), i modified again the same record, and the second time all went well ...

Anyone has noticed this problem ?

Best regards,
Paolo Tealdi


Ing. Paolo Tealdi         Area IT - Politecnico Torino
Telefono/Phone : +39-011-0906714 , FAX : +39-011-0906625
Indirizzo/Address : C.so Duca degli Abruzzi,  24 - 10129 Torino - ITALY
Skype : tealdi.paolo
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