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Message: #06115

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[EP-tech] Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: HTML5 and EPrints

Dear Adam,

thanks for your statement.

> Aside from failing an HTML purity test, are there further issues caused by these unrecognized tags?  Is there a better way EPrints could present this information?

Fulfilling the tests is not for your own sake... it made it easier to make a deeper look behind the scenes, showed us a lot about bad things that grew through the years AND let us know things about 'old school' tags (tables e.g) that could be a problem for mobile usage. So all in all we want to go the road till the end of all warnings ;-)


Jens Vieler
Zentrale Informatik
Universität Zürich
Stampfenbachstrasse 73
CH-8006 Zürich

mail:  jens.vieler@id.uzh.ch
phone: +41 44 63 56777

Inactive hide details for Adam Field ---05.12.2016 12:45:35---Hi Jens                 So, the sword interface was going to be tAdam Field ---05.12.2016 12:45:35---Hi Jens                 So, the sword interface was going to be the next big thing a few years ago,

Von: Adam Field <Adam.Field@jisc.ac.uk>
An: "jens.vieler@id.uzh.ch" <jens.vieler@id.uzh.ch>, "eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk" <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Datum: 05.12.2016 12:45
Betreff: Re: Antwort: Re: [EP-tech] HTML5 and EPrints

Hi Jens
                So, the sword interface was going to be the next big thing a few years ago, allowing automated deposit into repositories.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to have stuck (for whatever reason).  For example, PURE, the CRIS, has its own connector that you need to install in EPrints in order to allow automated updating of records.  Symplectic Elements is the same.
                I’m not sure what the status of the project is, or who could take on extra EPrints development required to make it HTML compliant (I assume that modifying EPrints would be simpler than modifying the HTML spec).  As for me, my responsibilities are currently tied to SHERPA Services, so I’m not able to spend any time on this, but I’ll ask around and see if I can find anyone connected with this.
                Aside from failing an HTML purity test, are there further issues caused by these unrecognized tags?  Is there a better way EPrints could present this information?
Best Wishes

Adam Field
SHERPA services analyst developer

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