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Message: #06066

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[EP-tech] fail to import PubMedID

Dear all,

It seems PubMed only accepts https now and I cannot import PubMed ID
anymore. I got the following warning message.
Unhandled warning in Import::PubMedID: http error : Unknown IO error 

I modified PubMedID.pm as follows but no success.
<       $self->{EFETCH_URL} =
>       $self->{EFETCH_URL} =
> 'https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&retmode=xml&rettype=full';  

Error message is as follows;
Unhandled exception in Import::PubMedID: Could not create file parser
context for file 

Could you help me?
