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Message: #06020

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[EP-tech] Adding Google Custom Search Engine to EPrints xpage file

Hi all,

Just wondering ... has anybody been able to implement a Google Custom Search Engine with EPrints. I noticed that ROAR attempted to do it - http://roar.eprints.org/content.html - but when I run a search, I get a 403 error.

The problem is that when the tag <gcse> is put in an xpage file, EPrints throws an error - I'm assuming it doesn't recognise the tag. Wrapping the tag in cdata tags or using _javascript_ to insert the element don't work.

Any suggestions/tips would be much appreciated.

Thank you!



Andrew Hercules
Developer & UX Researcher
University of London Computer Centre
Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
+44 (0)20 7863 1342  |  andrew.hercules@ulcc.ac.uk