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Re: [EP-tech] add more identifiers in OAI-PMH xml file

Sounds good :)
I'll try

Thank you very much,

2016-10-13 15:33 GMT+02:00 John Salter <J.Salter@leeds.ac.uk>:
> Hi Alfredo,
> Yes!
> I'm not sure how familiar you are with EPrints - if the instructions below don't make sense, please ask!
> The OAI-PMH interface supports a number of different formats, via the 'metadataPrefix' parameter. The supported formats can are listed by the OAI-PMH interface e.g.:
> http://example.com/cgi/oai2?verb=ListMetadataFormats (change for your own domain).
> You may want to check other metadata formats include all the information you want too.
> The formats all use an Export plugin, which live in:
> ~/perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Export/ (default EPrints export formats)
> ~/lib/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Export/ (added by Bazaar packages)
> ~archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Export/ (local plugins for this archive).
> Taking the OAI_DC metadata profile as an example (~/perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Export/OAI_DC.pm), this calls the normal 'DC' export plugin, but formats the response for OAI-PMH.
> So, to include the identifiers you asked for, you need to change the DC export plugin.
> The 'correct' way to do this is explained here:
> https://wiki.eprints.org/w/Instructions_for_local_plugins
> Here's an example that *might* work. I have not tested it.
> https://gist.github.com/jesusbagpuss/1f553a6ef5540c2de57bceefff81fdf2
> The DC plugin is also used to add metadata to the <head> section of eprint summary pages.
> Changing the plugin in this way will change this too. In this case, you probably would want the same changes.
> If you wanted to add something to *only* the OAI-PMH DC representation, you would need to subclass the OAI_DC export format, and make changes in there instead.
> Hope that isn't too confusing - let me know how you get on!
> Cheers,
> John
> PS The 'incorrect' way to do this is to just hack ~/perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Export/DC.pm. If you do this, when you upgrade EPrints, your changes will be lost. If you do it the right way, your changes are retained - but you may need to update them.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Alfredo Cosco
> Sent: 13 October 2016 12:10
> To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
> Subject: [EP-tech] add more identifiers in OAI-PMH xml file
> Hello,
> I found that the OAI-PMH file of my institution has only the document
> url as <dc:identifier>
> Is It possible to add ISBN and DOI to the <dc:identifiers> field in
> the Eprints  OAI-PMH xml file?
> Thanks,
> Alfredo
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