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Message: #05858

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Re: [EP-tech] Translate citations?

<epc:param name="security"> means that security is a variabile accessible by <epc:print expr="security"/> expression. Looking at it, it should be useless, just do <epc:print expr="security"/>.

<epc:if test="security != 'public'"><br /><epc:phrase ref="resticted_warning"/></epc:if>

try it :-)

Il 28/07/2016 15:30, Thomas Lauke ha scritto:
Hi Yuri,

in citations/document/default.xml:

<epc:if test="security != 'public'">
     <br />
         <epc:phrase ref="resticted_warning" ><epc:param name="security"><epc:print expr="security"/></epc:param>
What's the meaning of <epc:param name="security">?
         <epc:param name="date_embargo"><epc:print expr="date_embargo"/></epc:param> </epc:phrase> </epc:if>
<epc:if test="security != 'public'"><br /><epc:phrase ref="resticted_warning"/></epc:if>

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Yuri Carrer

 CAB - Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche, Università di Padova
 Tel: 049/827 3615 - Via Anghinoni, 3 - Padova