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Message: #05844

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Re: [EP-tech] Seeing unusually high downloads in IRStats

Irstats is just wrong in using the http access instead than a javascript library (piwik, google analytics). This libraries already has the knowledge to fight the spammer/bot and rely on a real interaction with a web browser instead of an http access.

The added value of Irstats is in showing simple stats for every items, views and downloads, for a period of time. Replicating this simple statistics in an existing system (like piwik) would be the best solution.

Il 26/07/2016 11:16, Enio Carboni ha scritto:

Hi Betsy,

i write an IP plugin for IRstats2 a few months ago ( to exclude admin local IP) where you set IP or range IP or CIDR to a config file.

To use this add the new filter in cfg/cfg.d/z_irstats2.pl like this:

$c->{irstats2}->{datasets} = {access => { filters => [ 'Robots', 'Repeat','IP' ] } },

Note the last filter IP

You can download at github and try at https://github.com/eniocarboni/irstats2-filter-by-ip

There is also a test script irstats2-filter-by-ip.pl in archive/<ID>/bin to test the config file before process all stats.

You could use it this way:

./irstats2-filter-by-ip.pl <ID>


./irstats2-filter-by-ip.pl <ID>

Of course do not forget to add the IP range to be discarded in cfg / cfg.d / z_irstats2_filter_ipcidr_blocks.pl

Let me know if it was useful

Enio Carboni

In data lunedì 25 luglio 2016 23:45:16 CEST, Coles, Elizabeth A. (Betsy) ha scritto:

Forwarding from JISC-REPOSITORIES list – we’ve been seeing this in California too, and our IRStats2 counts are through the roof for the last couple of weeks.

Can anyone tell me how to filter out these robots in IRStats2? And how to clean the access file so that our irstats2 reports are not distorted by this deluge? I assume I’d want to delete all entries with a requester_id in the table below and rerun IRstats2 setup from scratch.


Betsy Coles

Caltech – Digital Library Development

bcoles@caltech.edu <mailto:bcoles@caltech.edu>

From: Repositories discussion list [mailto:JISC-REPOSITORIES@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Hilary Jones Sent: Friday, July 15, 2016 3:43 AM To: JISC-REPOSITORIES@JISCMAIL.AC.UK <mailto:JISC-REPOSITORIES@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> Subject: Seeing unusually high downloads in IRStats - IRUS-UK's explanation and why this isn't affecting IRUS-UK stats

Hi everyone,

There was a discussion, via UKCORR mailing list, on why there are exceptionally high downloads being seen this week in IRStats and what might be causing it.

After some investigation we have found that the unusually high downloads are down to four IP ranges:

IP range






No. IP addresses



Microsoft Bingbot







Microsoft Corporation







Microsoft Bingbot







Microsoft Bingbot





These IPs have been systematically trawling and downloading files from many UK repositories. Looking at their User Agent strings they do not declare themselves as bots but masquerade as normal users.

Happily, the IRUS-UK ingest has been filtering out these robotic downloads, so you won’t see a massive spike in your IRUS-UK stats.

We hope this is of help.

Best wishes


Hilary JonesServices and Projects Support

0161 413 7541 Skype hilary.jones@jisc.ac.uk <mailto:hilary.jones@jisc.ac.uk>Twitter @JonesHilaryJ 6th Floor Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6EU

jisc.ac.uk <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/>

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