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Message: #05840

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[EP-tech] Google Scholar Help

Hello All,

Still seem to be having serious problems with this, after advice from this group I did fix the sitemap.xml file and have re-registered our site with Scholar, nothing happened, I then added the site to the google webmasters search dashboard, and the site is now being indexed - although at the current rate it will take over 10 years to index the pages.

I have added the site to OpenDOAR and the OpenArchives site but we are still only having intermittent records showing on Google Scholar.

I have taken over our eprints site and am new to this, according to all the documentation it should happen automatically and we don't have to do anything but I'm now at a loss as to try and explain to senior people as to why the publications are not showing on Scholar when they should be...

Any help would be appreciated

