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Message: #05828

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[EP-tech] EPrints User Group Meeting at Open Access Days in Munich

Hi all,

The German EPrints community will be holding its next annual user group meeting in conjunction with the Open Access Days in Munich, Germany, at

	Wednesday, 12 October 2016, 9:00 until 13:00

This meeting provides an opportunity for EPrints users, to discuss their work, to meet with colleagues and to keep up to date on the latest EPrints developments.
The agenda is not finalised yet. Contributions or proposals of particular interest are very welcome.

Please sign up for the EPrints User Meeting by sending a mail to 'oat2016-anmeldung@ub.uni-muenchen.de'.

If you are planning to attend the Open Access Days as well, you can find all information here: https://open-access.net/community/open-access-tage/open-access-tage-2016-muenchen/

Kind regards,
Volker Schallehn

Volker Schallehn

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München