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Message: #05804

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Re: [EP-tech] render a field value in other than current language

Hi Yuri,


i think you can try:



my $a_field_it = $eprint->render_value("a_field");


my $a_field_en = $eprint->render_value("a_field");




In data lunedì 4 luglio 2016 16:13:09 CEST, Yuri ha scritto:

> Hi!


> I'm sending an email from Eprints (workflow step). The mail is

> multilang (italian and english), so I would like to reuse existing

> render_value/citation (document citation, compound fields like names)

> but they are displayed in the current language. Is it possible to pass

> an option to render_value/citation in eprints to have the field rendered

> in a different language?


> For example, something like:


> my $a_field_it = $eprint->render_value("a_field", langid="it");

> my $a_field_en = $eprint->render_value("a_field", langid="en");


> where a_field is a compound and:


> $doctd->appendChild( $doc->render_citation_link(langid="it") );


> for a document citation.


> Thanks for any help/hint!


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