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Message: #05754

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Re: [EP-tech] /eprints/ page mechanism

Hi Laurent,

This is just a case that there is not a French version of that page. If one existed it should be at either:




Where EPRINTS_ROOT will probably by either /opt/eprints3/ or /usr/share/eprints3/ and ARCHIVE_NAME Is the name of your archive.

I would advise copying the existing /opt/eprints3/lib/lang/en/static/eprints/index.xpage to EPRINTS_ROOT/archives/ARCHIVE_NAME/cfg/lang/fr/static/eprints/index.xpage it will obviously still be in English, so you may wish to translate it if you have the resources to do so.


David Newman

On 30/05/2016 11:35, Laurent Cloarec wrote:
Hello everybody,

The EPrints software last versions (3.3.x ?) embed an information "mechanism"
through the <virtual host name>/eprints/ U.R.L. that shows credits and things like :
About this software
This site is running EPrints 3.3.xx
EPrints is free software developed at the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, England.
Other institutions are invited (and encouraged) to set up their own open repositories for author self-archiving, using the freely-distributable EPrints software used at this site. The Southampton EPrints team can also provide hosting, training and consultancy services.
and so on...

For our repository, when it is displayed in native english language, it works
fine, of course, but with the other translated language (french), it displays an
error message : "Ne peut trouver ce fichier" ("Cannot locate this file"): /eprints/
As I guess it's not only an "ep:phrase" problem, what's wrong with our EPrints
translated system ???

Thanks in advance for any answer...
Best regards,
Laurent Cloarec
Service Commun de la Documentation - Service du Numérique Documentaire
Université Toulouse 1 Capitole

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