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Message: #05739

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[EP-tech] CSS attributes modification by over-riding

Hi there,

I'm trying to change some "ep_tm_footer" CSS class attributes by over-riding them in the config file "static/style/auto/zzz_local.css" : I've written :
.ep_tm_footer {font-size: 100%;}
But it doesn't seem to work !!!

Of course, if I modify this attribute in the original "template.css" file, it does, but it would be a very dirty work, wouldn't it ?

On another hand, other modifications of "static/style/auto/zzz_local.css" do work...

So, where am I wrong ???

Best regards
Laurent Cloarec
Service Commun de la Documentation - Service du Numérique Documentaire
Université Toulouse 1 Capitole