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Message: #05712

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[EP-tech] How to customize creators_name in citations


I've been searching in the code and in this tech list to find a way to 
customize the creators_name list in the citations.  I'm trying to 
accomplish the following citation style:

lastname firstname, lastname firstname, lastname firstname and lastname 
firstname. [rest of citation here].

I've been able to put the " and " for the last author by changing the 
"lib/metafield:join_name.last" phrase.  I've read that I can order the 
creators_name by using "gf" or "fg" but there's no option to keep it "fg" 
but without the ", " between the family and given names.

I tried creating a custom "render_value" or "render_single_value" sub but 
to no avail.  Can anyone help me on this?

Thank you for any help you can give me and have a nice day!
