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Message: #05588

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Re: [EP-tech] Move repository

Thanks a lot for your thorough instructions Kahena.

I followed the steps you lined out, and everything seems to be working as a charm. It is not a live system, as I am in the process of moving to a new VPS, which has the ability to take snapshots.

I will report back, if I encounter any side effects.

All the best..

On 2016-04-21 16:22, Morrissey, Kahena wrote:

Hi Ian,


I am not sure if you have had any success yet, but you can try the following which I think should work on eprints versions >=3.3.11.


Ideally, you should test on a non-production system and/or ensure you have a backup in place to fully restore if this does not work.


Please also note that $EPRINTS_HOME refers to wherever your eprints installation resides eg. /usr/share/eprints3/


I hope this helps; please let us know how you get on.






More info can be found by running ./epadmin help from your eprints bin directory

$EPRINTS_HOME/bin/epadmin help



$EPRINTS_HOME/bin/epadmin config_core *repository_id*


->where *repository_id* = your repository id

-> make the changes to the eprints hostname here. The old ones will be presented as the defaults







More info can be found by running  ./generate_apacheconf --man from your eprints bin directory

$EPRINTS_HOME/bin/generate_apacheconf –man

If you manually edited myrepo.conf you will lose those changes here.

Regenerate your apache cpnfig

$EPRINTS_HOME/bin/generate_apacheconf --replace






Restart apache


service apache2 restart                 #ubuntu

service httpd restart                       #centos <6.7

systemctl restart httpd                  # centos 7






Regenerate the relevant pages

$EPRINTS_HOME/bin/generate_static *repository_id*

$EPRINTS_HOME/bin/generate_abstracts *repository_id*

$EPRINTS_HOME/bin/generate_views *repository_id*

$EPRINTS_HOME/bin/epadmin reload  *repository_id*






Restart apache


service apache2 restart                 #ubuntu

service httpd restart                       #centos <6.7

systemctl restart httpd                  # centos 7









Best regards,



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