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Re: [EP-tech] Review Filters

Hi there,

More or less same topic : I've just discovered that, with the same user "User Type" (Repository Administrator), some colleagues may use more field filters to edit buffered items (see screen capture), and, of course, watching the /eprints3/perl lib/EPrints/Plugin/Screen/Review.pm, I wasn't able to figure out where those privileges may be defined !

So need some help from the great experts of EPrints software !!!

Thank you in advance for any explanation

Best regards,
Laurent Cloarec - ingénieur d'études
Service Commun de la Documentation - Service du Numérique Documentaire
Université Toulouse 1 Capitole

Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2016 04:09:30 +0000
From: Matthew Brady <Matthew.Brady@usq.edu.au>
Subject: [EP-tech] Review Filters
To: "eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk" <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>

Hi All,

I am wanting to alter the list of fields that are included in the Filter section of the Review (/cgi/users/home?screen=Review) screen for users of type = 'editor'.
Can anyone point me to where theses are defined?

This is required as our users have found a problem with their previous mode of operation... Editorial Tools->Search Items provided more filtering to find items with a status of Under Review.
Uncheck the default selected Live Archive and select a type (the type isn't important...),  You get a list of items that match... review one of these items, and make it live, then refresh the search, and the count drops by two.  I have investigated, and the cache table that stores the ePrint id's for the search is dropping by two as well...

Has anyone else found a situation like this?? I'm hoping so, just for peace of mind that my system hasn't been borked for a long time :-s
Any and all help would be appreciated... as I haven't seen anything relating to this when I went back through the archives...



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