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Message: #05518

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Re: [EP-tech] Import from ORCID

Thank you, I look forward to trying out the Tier 2 API plugin.  For now, I'm still confused about what additional functionality the Tier 2 API provides - I need to read up on this more.

About adding ORCID to creators metadata, this seems like an essential step.  Initially, I think I would be adding it as an additional ID, rather than replacing the email address which is being used now as an ID. 
After I add ORCID to the creators, on my test server, I see that I can enter it on the deposit workflow, but the autocomplete for creators is ignoring the ORCID.  There is an autocomplete script in (cgi/users/lookup/name) that is responsible for the drop-downs while depositors enter metadata, is that what I would need to update to make sure that the ORCID ID gets filled in like the email address?


-----Original Message-----
From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of peter
Sent: February-06-16 6:36 AM
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: Import from ORCID

Hi Tomasz
I am glad the plugin works for you. It was only ever really intended as a demonstrator of what you could do with the public api so all of your suggestions are good ideas to take it further and make it more useful for your repository. For other ideas of what can be done (and the code to do it) please have a look at the orcid code on https://github.com/eprintsug/orcidt2. This uses the member api but you can register with Orcid.org for access to the sandbox to try things out.

Concerning adding IDs, personally, I would add the id to the users and the contributors (for some repositories users are contributors for others they are not)


On 05/02/16 22:07, Tomasz Neugebauer wrote:
> I recently installed the Import from ORCID plugin
> (http://bazaar.eprints.org/354/)  on our repository, and it works 
> really well.
> Thanks so much to the developer(s) of this excellent plugin.
> A couple of questions:
> 1.Is there any reason not to make this plugin available to regular 
> "user" accounts?
> 2.How difficult would it be to do some basic 'duplicate' detection as 
> a part of this plugin? What I mean is, could the plugin check and 
> signal which of the items in ORCID are already in the repository?
> I also have a related question about managing ORCID ids as a part of 
> the user profile in the repository.
> I added the ORCID id to user profile fields, so that users can 
> associate their ORCID ID to their accounts.
>  It shouldn't be too difficult to check for an ORCID id of the 
> currently logged in user, and if it exists, populate the import box 
> with it by default.
> Would it also make sense to add the ORCID id to the creator/author 
> metadata?  Any comments on the best practice of doing that, given that 
> ORCID ids should be useful in metadata interoperability/export.
> Tomasz
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Peter J. West
Digital Repository Services Ltd

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