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Message: #05504

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[EP-tech] REF CC reporting

Having recently installed the REF CC plugin, we have started looking at the reports that can be generated.  Our first request from Research and Enterprise unit on seeing the two reports  is that they require a summary or OA compliance / non-compliance by School and possibly a more granular compliance (i.e. the items that meet the Deposit compliance / Discovery Compliance / Access compliance tests,  in order to pick up  any compliance issue at the earliest possible stage. 


Delving into the underlying files/tests on GitHub, I can see that there is a scoring system in place for the tests and that each research output checked by REF CC has a score.  Is anyone working with this data to produce alternative reports to the two REF CC reports available when installing the plugin? If so, could you point me in the direction of any further information on GitHub that may help?  We are struggling to interpret the final score for an item against the level of compliance.






Best wishes,




Annette Moore

Technical Services Librarian


The Library

University of Sussex




T:01273 877046
