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Message: #05459

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[EP-tech] select and mysql 5.6.27

Dear all,

After 5 year of normal use with mysql 5.1.XX, after the upgrade to mysql 5.6.27, we noticed that our eprints sometimes (1 time every two day more or less) suddendly blocks itself. Analyzing the problem we noticed that one of the mysql connections from eprints server (we are using a centralized version of mysql) is hanging in "statistics" status on a very big select (in attach).
All the other processes are waiting for table lock.
After the Kill of that processs, all the other processes flushed immediately and the server returns to life.

Have you ever noticed this BIG issue ? Any idea ?

In attach one of the sql commands.

Our optimizer_search_depth is set to 0.

Best regards,
Paolo Tealdi

P.S. One of the problems probably is due to the eprint__rindex size ... 37M of records ...

Ing. Paolo Tealdi         Area IT - Politecnico Torino
Telefono/Phone : +39-011-0906714 , FAX : +39-011-0906625
Indirizzo/Address : C.so Duca degli Abruzzi,  24 - 10129 Torino - ITALY
Skype : tealdi.paolo
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