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Message: #05397

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[EP-tech] Javascript, workflow question

Hi all,

I want to connect my eprint repository with IdRef (French Reference Database of Sudoc's authority records). Abes provides us _javascript_ libraries for it (thttp://documentation.abes.fr/aideidrefdeveloppeur/ch04s01.html)

So, i have a question :

What is the most appropriate and proper way to add a button or url (with an associated action) in the workflow repository?

Like this :

I wish that this button calls a script (javacript) that opens a modal window (which lets you search for people) and return some information to complete the form :


I can change MetaField.pm but there has to be a better solution?

Any advice would be welcome !


Jean Marie Le Bechec
Service Commun de la Documentation
Responsable ingenierie documentaire
Direction du Systeme d'Information
Referent Etudes

Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
6 allee Emile Monso - bp 34038 -
31029 Toulouse cedex 4
Tel : 05 34 32 31 16
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Mail : lebechec@inp-toulouse.fr