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Message: #05390

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints Interest Group Meeting at OR2016 - Proposal Deadline Extended


EPrints Interest Group Meeting at OR2016

The EPrints community will be holding its next major interest group meeting in conjunction with the Open Repositories 2016 conference. This meeting provides an opportunity for EPrints users, developers, repository managers or practitioners to share their work, to meet with colleagues and to keep up to date on the latest EPrints developments.

The meeting will provide an opportunity for discussion of the development roadmap of EPrints with members of The EPrints Services team. The team will also provide as many opportunities as possible for you to talk to them throughout the conference – from drop-in clinics for help with specific EPrints problems, to more general discussion sessions.

We invite you to submit one to two-page proposals that focus on your use of EPrints.  Proposals of particular interest highlight innovative uses of the software, develop or suggest new features and functionality, offer best practices and lessons learned, or improve the EPrints documentation. 

Important dates

1 February 8 February 2016: Deadline for proposal submissions

11 April 2016: Submitters notified of acceptance to interest groups

13-16 June 2016: Conference program

For inquiries, please contact the EPrints Interest Group Chair at Tomasz.Neugebauer@concordia.ca

We look forward to receiving your proposals and to seeing you at OR2016.



Sent: January-28-16 4:30 PM
Subject: [EP-tech] Open Repositories Conference Update: OR2016 Proposal Deadline Extended



January 28, 2016

Dublin, Ireland


A message from the Open Repositories 2016 Conference organisers:


The final deadline for submitting proposals for the Eleventh International Conference on Open Repositories (@OR2016Dub and #or2016Dub) has been extended until Monday, Feb. 8, 2016. The conference is scheduled to take place June 13-16 in Dublin and is being hosted by Trinity College Dublin, along with collaborators in the Royal Irish Academy and University College Dublin.


The theme this year is “Illuminating the World.”  You may review the call for proposals here: http://or2016.net/call-for-papers .


* Submit your proposal here: https://conftool.com/or2016  by Feb. 8, 2016 *


We look forward to seeing you at OR2016!