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[EP-tech] Antwort: Upgrade processes for EPrints

Dear Lizz,

in fact, "Release Management" this is a tricky thing on EPrints. First of all i have to tell, that we have a Develop- und Test-Environment. So we usually do upgrades and customization (got a lot of them!) on that Test-Environment before, and SVN it all to Production later.

We thought about it last summer and here is a short summary:

-  1st think about: Do i really need an update ;-) Bugfixes, features,...
- Use Unix-Diff to build a delta1 between two different (original) EPrint-Versions
- Use Unix-Diff to build a delta2 between the old EPrint-Version (original) and your Customized-Version
- Upgrade Sourcecode as described and add costomized code passages:
- new files in Delta1 are new Features, Bugfixes etc... let them as they are
- the difference between delta2-delta1 is the real work: All custom work has to be analysed weather it's already bugfixed with the new version, or is almost needed cause of local customization. This is a work, a human programmer has to do! This is the most timewaisting thing - so it's better to do it on a test system.
- Do all the DB-Updates steps with dbadmin as described.
- Test everything.
- Do a Test2Prod copy followed by a DB-Update (--> this is downtime on your Prod-System!)
- Cross fingers that everything works ;-)

Hope, this is what you're looking for.
Jens Vieler
Universität Zürich
Stampfenbachstrasse 73
CH-8006 Zürich

mail:  jens.vieler@id.uzh.ch
phone: +41 44 63 56777

Inactive hide details for Lizz Jennings ---01.02.2016 17:54:18---Hi all, I'm planning an upgrade to live EPrints, which will liLizz Jennings ---01.02.2016 17:54:18---Hi all, I'm planning an upgrade to live EPrints, which will likely involve some downtime as it's the

Von: Lizz Jennings <E.Jennings@bath.ac.uk>
An: "eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk" <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Datum: 01.02.2016 17:54
Betreff: [EP-tech]  Upgrade processes for EPrints
Gesendet von: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk

Hi all,
I’m planning an upgrade to live EPrints, which will likely involve some downtime as it’s the first time I’ve done an upgrade on the live system.  It’s not going to be a big leap in itself (3.3.13 -> 15), but I’ve made a lot of customisations so it’s a little nervewracking.
Does anybody have any maintenance processes they can share?  I have some ideas about how to approach this – I’m interested in things like how much notice to give users and the best method for doing that, how best to make the site generally unavailable, what should be backed up, how you test a successful upgrade and so on.  I’d be grateful for any advice / suggestions / cautionary tales and apologies if I’ve missed a very obvious wiki page!
Lizz Jennings BA MSc ACLIP MCLIP (Revalidated 2015)
Technical Data Officer
The Library 4.10, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY UK
Ext. 3570 (External 01225 383570)
Research Data Management: http://www.bath.ac.uk/research/data
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