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[EP-tech] Re: OAI for available full text

Il 28/01/2016 10:16, Sheppard, Nick ha scritto:

ExLibris have been in touch about harvesting available full text i.e. not under embargo. I don’t think this possible via OAI-PMH?

You can create a set with public documents in OAI, for example for DRIVER/OpenAIRE you have to do it.





*Nick Sheppard,* Research Services Advisor



*Libraries & Learning Innovation*



Leeds Beckett University, JG134, Headingley Campus, Leeds, LS6 3QS, United Kingdom




Tel: +44 (0)113 812 4731 | Email: n.e.sheppard@leedsbeckett.ac.uk <mailto:n.e.sheppard@leedsbeckett.ac.uk>

Twitter: @BeckettResearch <https://twitter.com/BeckettResearch> | http://openaccess.leedsbeckett.ac.uk <http://openaccess.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/>



/"to be eligible for submission to the post-2014 REF, authors’ final peer-reviewed manuscripts must have been deposited in an institutional or subject repository on acceptance for publication"/






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