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Message: #05261

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[EP-tech] Re: Xapian indexing

Hi Josée,

I am currently looking into this issue as well as I have identified a
situation where a small percentage of EPrints cannot be found when you
individual search on their title.  I have script for automating testing
this on multiple EPrints at once, which I can make available.

On the specific issue you describe, I can replicate the same issue on a
3.3.14 version of EPrints.  I have yet to dig down into what is causing
it not being put in the indexer queue but I do not think it will be too
difficult to figure out.  I found that if I subsequently change another
non-namedset field it will schedule for re-index both that field and the
namedset field I had previously changed.

I am not certain if your issue relates the problem I mentioned initially
as I think the problem is non-Xapian dependent, as it is not until the
indexing task is run later by the indexer, does it know whether it will
indexed using Xapian or just to the database.


David Newman

On Wed, 2015-12-02 at 07:55 +0100, Lessard Josée wrote:
> Hello,
> we use Xapian for our simple search.
> The Xapian indexing  is correct when a reference is validated in the
> archive (eprint_status:buffer => archive)
> But, if the correction is made on a  "namedsets" field, the document
> indexing is not launched!
> If the modification is made on a  "type text" field, indexing is
> launched.
> Have you ever had this problem reported?  How to make sure re-indexing
> is launched on any field type modifications?
> Sorry for my English.
> Sincerly
> Josée Lessard
> eprint_search_simple.pl
> $c->{search}->{simple} = 
> {
>     search_fields => [
>         {
>             id => 'q',
>             meta_fields => [
>                 'documents',
>                 'eprintid',
>                 'title',
>                 'abstract',
>                 'date',
>                 'type',
>                 'statut_indexation',
>                 'indexeur',
> ...
>             ]
>         },
>     ],
>     preamble_phrase => 'cgi/search:preamble',
>     title_phrase => 'cgi/search:simple_search',
>     citation => 'result',
>     page_size => 20,
>     order_methods => {
>         'byyear'      => '-date/creators_name/title',
>         'byyearoldest'     => 'date/creators_name/title',
>         'byname'       => 'creators_name/-date/title',
>         'bytitle'      => 'title/creators_name/-date',
>         'bytype'      => 'type/-date/title',
>         'byti'             => '-full_text_status/-date/title',
>     },
>     default_order => 'byyear',
>     show_zero_results => 1,
> };
> /opt/www/eprints-3.3.12/archives/agritrop/cfg/namedsets/statut_indexation
> a_classer
> a_indexer
> a_indexer_indexeur
> en_cours_d_indexation
> a_indexer_electronique
> a_indexer_papier
> document_a_numeriser
> notice_indexee
> __________________________________
> Correction eprints
> Résultat :
> title
> "Publications et travaux du SAR 1996"
> eprint_status
> "archive"
> statut_indexation
> "en_cours_d_indexation"
> Indexation Xapian :
>       * title:1996 
>       * title:du 
>       * title:et 
>       * title:publications 
>       * title:sar 
>       * title:travaux 
>       * statut_indexation:notice_indexee
>       * lastmod:20150909
> -- 
> -- 
> Josée Lessard
> Documentaliste
> Cirad-Dgdrs-Délégation à l'information scientifique et technique
> TA 183/05 - Avenue Agropolis - 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 (Tél: +33 4
> 67 61 57 37)
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