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Message: #05243

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[EP-tech] Re: IRStats2 embedding stats in abstract?



I encountered the same problem when adding <epc> into abstr.xml, an alternative is adding:


$c->{plugins}->{"Screen::EPrint::Box::Stats"}->{params}->{disable} = 0; #enable Stats boxes

$c->{plugins}->{"Screen::EPrint::Box::Stats"}->{appears}->{summary_bottom} = 100; # show them at the bottom of the summary page (in position '100' - see the link below for more details)

$c->{plugins}->{"Screen::EPrint::Box::Stats"}->{appears}->{summary_right} = undef; # not in their default location on the right

$c->{plugins}->{"Screen::EPrint::Box::Stats"}->{params}->{render_collapsed} = 1; #by default hide content with


Into the cfg/cfg.d/z_irstats2.pl file populates a nice download box at the bottom of every summary page.




From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of George Mamalakis
Sent: den 30 november 2015 16:24
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] IRStats2 embedding stats in abstract?


Hi all,

I'm following the wiki wrt IRStats2 configuration and I have a few questions. The one that is concerning me right now is that I don't seem to manage displaying the stats in my abstract page (aka embedding stats in summary page). I've followed the "Embedding Stats on Abstract Pages" section where it says to include:

<epc:phrase ref="lib/irstats2:embedded:summary_page:eprint:downloads"/>

somewhere at the bottom of summary_page.xml, I've done it but, I restarted apache, regenerated abstracts, etc., and when I access my pages I see a new "Downloads" section, that -sadly- only contains the phrase "Downloads per month over past year" without any numbers in it. When regenerating abstracts (manually) I get the message:

missing parameter "eprintid" when making phrase "lib/irstats2:embedded:summary_page:eprint:downloads"

which is kind of strange, but I'm not even sure that the irstats2 database is correctly populated, since even though I specifically access eprints and their documents in order to change stats and run the script manually to update them, I see no differences in my cgi/stats/report/ which makes me think that something goes terribly wrong...but that's my other question... :).

Thanks for any help in advance,


PS. It's an EPrints 3.3.14 installation on a Debian box, IRStats2 is installed via the bazaar package, as instructed in the wiki and irstats2 github page (going by the book).
PS2. I haven't change IRstats2 default config in cfg/cfg.d yet

George Mamalakis
IT and Security Officer, 
Electrical and Computer Engineer (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki),
PhD (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki),
MSc (Imperial College of London)
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
phone number : +30 (2310) 994379