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Message: #05230

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[EP-tech] Perl question

Bit of a random question - around the code in some Metafield modules.
>From these two examples:

In some Metafields, the sub-classing is done like this:

package EPrints::MetaField::Id;
use EPrints::MetaField;
@ISA = qw( EPrints::MetaField );

In others, it uses a 'BEGIN' block like this
package EPrints::MetaField::Date;
use strict;
use warnings;
	our( @ISA );
	@ISA = qw( EPrints::MetaField );
use EPrints::MetaField;

Does anyone know the purpose of the different styles?
Is there some subtle trick I'm missing here - or is it just different coding styles from different eras?

I understand what the BEGIN block does (from http://perldoc.perl.org/perlmod.html#BEGIN%2c-UNITCHECK%2c-CHECK%2c-INIT-and-END) - but I'm unsure what it's doing/trying to do/was doing in this context...
