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Message: #05177

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[EP-tech] EPrint history only shows 10 entries.



I thought I’d share this little tidbit for those that ever wondered why their history tab on an EPrint only shows 10 items.


In /opt/eprints/perl_lib/EPrints/DataObj/EPrint.pm the function render_history is hard coded to only show the last 10 items in the history.  At least it is in our 3.2.8 installation.


If you want to be able to view all of the history (too bad there’s no pagination for this) comment out the “limit => 10,” line and restart your web server for the change to take effect.


You should now see all of the history for the EPrint.


I hope this helps someone else.



Brian D. Gregg

Solutions Architect | Manager Systems Development

University of Pittsburgh | University Library System

Address: 7500 Thomas Blvd.  Room 129 Pittsburgh, PA 15208

Tel: (412) 648-3264 | Email: bdgregg@pitt.edu | Fax: (412) 648-3585