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[EP-tech] Re: How to create a private archive ?

Hi Gilles,

I think that if you played with cfg.d/user_roles.pl you'd accomplish want you want. I think that if you removed any read privileges from the default role (I'm not sure which one it is, but it could be $c->{public_roles} or probably $c->{user_roles}->{minuser}), or even if you removed this role (minuser) totally from the archive it maybe could do the job. But I tried it in one of my repos, and it didn't work, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. Maybe it would be wiser if I removed some privileges from these roles instead of removing the roles totally.

Maybe another approach would be to alter cfg/templates/default.xml to conditionally allow to view items (which would allow access to hand-coded urls to views, which you wouldn't disire), or to change views and searches to return results only on authenticated users (somehow).

I know I didn't help enough, but I'm trying to give you some ideas where to start from.

Good luck!

On 16/11/2015 06:52 μμ, Gilles Fournié wrote:

We would like to use EPrints to manage a database of items not related
to publications nor documents.

For practical reasons, we would like to install this eprints
pseudo-archive on the same server used for our open archive repository.
So, it would be accessible from internet.

But we need to control access (even for reading) to our employees only.

I have found no way to prevent visitors to access views or even to view
I hoped that overriding EPrints::Repository::allow_anybody to make it
always return 0 would work, but it doesn't.

Any advices or suggestions on how to make this "close archive" would be
greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

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George Mamalakis

IT and Security Officer,
Electrical and Computer Engineer (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki),
PhD (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki),
MSc (Imperial College of London)

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

phone number : +30 (2310) 994379