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Message: #05076

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[EP-tech] Coversheets - file compression issues?

Hello colleagues,

A hawkeyed electrical engineering academic at our institution has noticed that our instance of ePrints is applying image compression to PDF files.  The issue appears to stem from the application of the Coversheet plugin.  As far as I can tell, the plugin does not apply any file compression but I suspect the very fact that conversion occurs at all results in some loss of fidelity.  My personal view is that the lossiness is tolerable. I, for example, have never noticed the issue until now; but it does become noticeable when PDF files contain detailed hi-res figures/diagrams, as in this particular instance. 

I am therefore just wondering whether other users have encountered this problem and what, if anything, you did about it?  I can't see it logged anywhere as a known issue, if indeed there is agreement that it is an issue.



George Macgregor | Information Services Directorate
Curran Building | University of Strathclyde
Tel: 0141 548 3496
Email: george.macgregor@strath.ac.uk
Web: http://personal.strath.ac.uk/george.macgregor/ 
The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC015263