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Message: #05033

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[EP-tech] Re: Possible importing BibTeX bug in monograph

Hi George,

> you must see it's empty.
no, it's filled :)
Please check your XML export carefully (not in the morning ;)):
It should contain the language independent
<monograph_type>technicalreport</monograph_type> ...!?

> If you confirm this (or anybody else), I'll file a bug report to EPrints
the one and only thing that's missing now:
should contain a line with
<epp:phrase id="eprint_fieldopt_monograph_type_technicalreport" ref="Technical report" />
Probably all other options are missing also ...!?

This line should be integrated into (maybe implied by these lines ...)


BTW: Some additional lines missing in <EprintsPath>/lib/lang/en/phrases/system.xml follows:
eprint_fieldhelp_editors (en) at line 477 in /usr/share/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/MetaField.pm
<epp:phrase id="eprint_fieldhelp_editors">Specify the responsible person for publication.</epp:phrase>

lib/searchfield:help_counter (en) at line 757 in /usr/share/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/Search/Field.pm
<epp:phrase id="lib/searchfield:help_counter">Enter a specific number or a range (Min.., Min..Max, ..Max) for the unique database identifier.</epp:phrase>

... and maybe (unfortunately I couldn't recover my modifications) due to phrase renaming
<epp:phrase id="eprint:workflow:stage:type:title">Type</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="eprint:workflow:stage:files:title">Upload</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="eprint:workflow:stage:core:title">Details</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="eprint:workflow:stage:pubinfo:title">Publication</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="eprint:workflow:stage:status:title">Status</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="eprint:workflow:stage:event:title">Event</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="eprint:workflow:stage:abstract:title">Abstract</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="eprint:workflow:stage:subjects:title">Subjects</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="eprint:workflow:stage:notes:title">Extras</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="eprint:workflow:stage:local:title">Custom</epp:phrase>